Tuesday Talent-Shannon Ables of the Simply Luxurious Life

A little over a year ago I found my way to the Simply Luxurious Life written by Shannon Ables. I was hooked. It quickly became one of my daily reads.

I was so excited when Shannon agreed to be featured in Tuesday Talent. When sketching her I thought it fitting to feature her in my design idea for a simply luxurious embroidered coat inspired by Van Gogh’s Starry Night.

Without further ado I bring you Shannon Ables of The Simply Luxurious Life in her own words.


The Simply Luxurious Life blog is an extension of how I genuinely feel about living life.  No matter where one lives, living our best life is possible and by living in both metropolitan and rural areas, I have come realize that it is simply a matter how one approaches each day with regards to the decisions they make, the attitude the incorporate into each interaction and the people and things they surround themselves with that determines how fulfilled they will be.

By sharing my thoughts, ideas and experiences on the blog I hope to inspire other people and especially women to live a life that is beyond their expectations and is by their design, not society’s. Whether it be found in wine, food, fashion, home decor, gardening, or entertainment, contentment, pleasure and a stylishly fulfilling life can be cultivated with careful attention. Here’s to the good life!


Who inspires Shannon

I am continually inspired by women (and men) who think for themselves, have an insatiable curiosity and love for life and who refused to be told how to live if it doesn’t feel right.


What Shannon does

I am a writer who contributes to three different online magazines, a blogger and founder of The Simply Luxurious Life, a stylist and lover of fashion, and an English high school teacher.


What Shannon Does best

I am an optimist that as of yet is incapable of accepting no.  I have an eye for beauty in all different facets and appreciate the simple things in life.  Oh, and I also can mix it up in the kitchen and throw a fabulous dinner party without too many hiccups.


What other profession Shannon would like to attempt

Being a journalist and having to on a daily basis learn more about a certain subject or topic would be a dream come true. Being required to sit and watch runway show after runway show as each new collection was revealed would be bliss.


What turns Shannon on creatively, spiritually or emotionally

Anything that exudes thoughtfulness, insightfulness, creativity, beauty, or something that begs me to ask the question, why?  I consider myself a detective of life and I love to learn constantly.  It is in always being curious that opens up opportunities to be inspired.


Where to find Shannon

Sitting behind my laptop, walking my dogs, traveling to any destination that presents itself as an opportunity, laughing at my boyfriend’s intoxicating sense of humor, teaching AP and honors English courses at public high school in rural Oregon, or losing all track of time while shopping in my favorite shops and boutiques.


Where Shannon got her Talent/Education

From the love of all things beautiful.  If something is beautiful, it speaks to me and since beauty is subjective to the beholder, beauty can be found everywhere if only we choose to look for it.  So I look for it in magazines, books, newspapers, the news, dramas, comedies, documentaries, interactions with people throughout the day, nature, animals and simply anything that captures my attention.


Finally borrowing from Bernard Pivot- If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

“You finally now have the opportunity to converse with the many historical greats you’ve admired – Chanel, Amelia Earhart, Jane Austen, etc. Enjoy!”



Image: (1) Portrait by DCTdesigns

***This is  a regular feature on my blog. Tuesday Talent Interviews are designed to introduce you to a myriad of incredible artisans. Make sure to check out the others. Enjoy!

8 thoughts on “Tuesday Talent-Shannon Ables of the Simply Luxurious Life

  1. Pingback: The Weekend ~ Confection Affection, Shopping Addiction & My Funny Bone | DCTdesigns Creative Canvas

  2. Pingback: Weekend ~ 1/24/14 ~ Early Exit | DCTdesigns Creative Canvas

  3. Pingback: The Weekend ~ 9/13/13 ~Toile, toile toile! | DCTdesigns Creative Canvas

  4. I adore Shannon and her blog. She is the very first visit on my blog list and one that continues to inspire me to be the best version of myself!

  5. Dana, thank you again for your invitation to be introduced to your readers. I am thrilled to have this opportunity! Have a wonderful last week of the year.

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