Mardi Gras Croquis

WordPress baffles me. Yesterday was my second largest number of blog visitors in a single day. The previous record was held by Kristin Espinasse’s Tuesday Talent interview. This make sense considering her loyal following. But there is no rhyme or reason to yesterday climbing the charts to #2. Either there are a ton of foodies out there or you’re all trying to figure out how to launder money.

And it’s been far too long since I’ve given my faithful Fashion Illustrators anything. So in honor of Mardi Gras I dressed up a croquis pose. How do you like her? I plan to post more poses from time to time. Let me know if there are particular poses you’d like me to draw. That’s Right! I’m taking requests.

Sketch 2014-03-04 07_58_51

The Weekend ~ 2/24/12

I know….it’s a Christmas sketch. This week I had big plans for Mardi Gras inspired art full of beads and masks. I even did a few sketches featuring pancakes for Shrove. I just never got around to completing them. So instead this one had at least the hint of Beaded adornments.

I still have more to do on her. Since I have a tendency to overwork a piece I will have to be careful.  But I will say I do love how her coat came out.

So the weekend is upon us, Oscars coming to visit, February’s ending and March is oncoming. Oh where oh where has the time flown. I have been up to my eyeballs this week with tax season and client reports. However I have been able to carve out time this week with friends. A few of whom I haven’t seen for a while. This has been a welcomed reprieve.

I am constantly striving to maintain balance in my life as I have a tendency to push myself, overwork, over do. This ability can often come in handy as a deadline looms. Each time I push myself to my limits I certainly know what I am capable of. However there is a shadow side to this same trait. If I am not careful I can wear myself thin. These days as I am ever conscious of this behavior pattern and trying to make sure I stay righted. This means I have to decide what has to give. So this weekend’s lecture class had to be rescheduled. With no voice I was not going to be able to talk about the finer points of Product Development for 4 1/2 hours.

Yesterday I had an exciting milestone. I made my first Etsy sale. I was surprised and delighted. Now mind you I am one to remain realistic…this is my first sale in two years. But these days I will take the wins where I can get them. Maybe I will post a few more items for sale.

As always I hope you enjoy your weekend and here is the Weekend Reading List. Til  Monday.


Weekend Reading List:

Images: Ornamental Antlers by DCTdesigns