The Rest Stop ~Friday Fictioneers 8/22/14

For Friday Fictioneers – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields posts a picture each week which we, the participants, are tasked to write a 100 word story about.

My story is per usual a drama much to the bane of DT². But she is still in Israel and can’t stop me.

If humor is your thing then head over to Randy’s blog. Over there it’s humor- “humor the week before, and the week before that, and the week before…” On my blog insert drama.

Photo Copyright-Roger Bultot

Photo Copyright-Roger Bultot

Mom disappeared weeks ago. Climbed into the truck of a stranger at the stop where she waitressed. Tim did all he could to feed his baby brothers. Getting in and out of dumpsters was the trick. Five year old arms could only do so much.

Sis left four years ago, must eighteen now. If they found her they’d a chance of staying together. Life had been a revolving door of momma’s mistakes and they bore the marks.

“Timmy, I’m tired” his little brother bellowed. And the baby was getting heavy.

“We’ll be safe here for the night”, he reassured.

(100 Words)

Read Other stories Here!

35 thoughts on “The Rest Stop ~Friday Fictioneers 8/22/14

  1. So very sad – great story and I hope that Momma never comes back for the kids – but pray that someone else shows up to take them away from their misery. Thanks! Nan 🙂

  2. This is heartbreaking! I love the line, “Life had been a revolving door of momma’s mistakes and they bore the marks.” So visual. Well done. You’ve made me sad, which is a compliment. One note, I think the word “have” is supposed to be after “they’d” in this line, “If they found her they’d a chance of staying together.” Unless I’m missing something, in which case ignore me. 🙂

    • Sounds like you’re right to me. But off course that would take me to 101 words. And since word didn’t autocorrect it I’m going to pretend I’m all good. 😉

      It is a huge compliment that I made you sad. I tend to write for the heart strings and too hear I pulled one is incredible.

      Thank you,

      • Ivy Leaf Trucking Company… sorry, wrong number 😉

        (Abbott and Costello had a classic routine with Lou trying to call a local employment agency and being unable to get through while everyone else was able to make long distance call to Europe, Australia, South America without any problems)